Friday, November 30, 2007

Painting In A Day Western Art Buffalo Bull John T Jones

November 30 Walking Buffalo Bull.
This painting was started with black and white
acrylic gesso, then finished with alkyd paint.

First I did a charcoal sketch. Then thin black
acrylic paint to set the drawing and get the
anatomy close and stained the entire canvas with
regular black acrylic.
Then I used black and white acrylic gesso as a full
Then I finished the painting the next day with
a fairly limited alkyd palette.
Total time, about 10 hours.

Listed on Ebay.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Western Art Buffalo

This is an acrylic study on gesso panel, 8x10 inch.
Listed on ebay.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Painting A Day Buffalo Bull

November 5, Buffalo bull oil on 9x12
Gesso panel.
Listed on Ebay.

Friday, November 2, 2007